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Summer AC Tips

As Northeast Georgia temperatures begin to creep higher as we enter the summer months, your air conditioning unit is about to work overtime. If you want to avoid calling a Braselton emergency AC repair company, we have a few summer AC tips to follow.

  1. Schedule routine maintenance. When left unchecked, your AC unit can lose up to 5 percent of its efficiency with each summer. Constantly running and cooling your home without the proper maintenance means the system will soon be less efficient and effective at doing its job. Schedule a routine inspection to detect small issues and prevent them from becoming major emergencies.

  2. Clean your filters. If the air in your home doesn’t feel as cool as usual, check the filter. When the filter becomes clogged with dirt, lent and other debris, it’s less effective at allowing cool air through the ductwork. The filter in your home should say whether it should be replaced every 30, 60 or 90 days.

  3. Program your thermostat (or consider buying one). When you’re away at work or on vacation, the sofa and television don’t need the home to be ultra-cool. While you’re away from your home, pre-set scheduled temperature changes to save energy and keep money in your wallet. Set the thermostat for 78 degrees when no one is home. The Department of Energy estimates 7 to 10 degrees higher than your normal temperature setting for 8 hours per day will help you rake in an annual savings of up to 10 percent.

  4. Use ceiling fans. If your home is equipped with ceiling fans, start them up. According to the National Resource Defense Council (NRDC), using a ceiling fan can make a room feel 10 degrees cooler and uses 10 percent of the energy of a central air conditioner. If you’re in the market to upgrade your ceiling fans, opt for a smart option. You can program when the fans turn on and off via an app.

Work with Your Leading Experts in Braselton, Georgia

Forgo the dreadful summer heat taking over your home due to a broken AC unit. Use our tips to ensure the system will last through the hot months and you keep your home cool without spending a fortune.

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