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Tips to Boost Your Heating System’s Efficiency

Changing air filter

At Clarks Heating & Air, we understand just how important it is to keep your heating system’s running efficiently. We are committed to providing the highest quality heating installation in Braselton, GA, to ensure you enjoy the convenience and level of comfort you deserve. Here are a few tips to boost your system’s efficiency.

1. Upgrade an Outdated System

If your system is over ten years old, consider an upgrade. An outdated system has a higher risk of mechanical breakdowns due to worn-out parts, leading to higher energy costs. In addition, regular heating maintenance can help reduce the amount of energy loss each season due to inadequate insulation and poor airflow.

2. Change the Air Filter

A dirty air filter restricts airflow, making your system struggle to get the air it needs to do its job. It is especially important to make sure your air filter is changed or cleaned regularly during the winter when you are using your furnace. Doing so can help keep your system running more efficiently and even protect the air quality in your home.

3. Install Programmable Thermostats

Programmable thermostats allow you to set your heating system to turn on and off at certain times of the day. This means the system won’t work all day to heat up your home. This helps to cut down on energy costs by not heating an empty room. Furthermore, it also extends the life of your system because it won’t be overworked.

4. Insulate Exposed Pipes and Ducts

Make sure that all of your exposed pipes and ducts are properly insulated. This helps the heated air remain contained within the ducts and piping, reducing the energy lost from the system.

Boosting your system’s efficiency is a great way to save money on energy costs. Contact Clark’s Heating & Air today if you have any questions about our heating services or need to schedule a maintenance appointment.

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