3 Home Heating Mistakes to Avoid
At Clark’s Heating and Air, a leading provider of professional repairs and heating installation in Hoschton, GA., we know the best practices when it comes to your HVAC system. We know that there are a few common home heating mistakes that you may be making from time to time. Read on and learn what these mistakes are so you can avoid them.
Not Getting Your HVAC System Maintained
Your heater needs to get a tune-up every year. Failure to do so can result in loss of efficiency and greater energy bills over time. Heating maintenance is not limited to professional services but also includes things you can do for yourself, such as changing the filter regularly, as well as scheduling an appointment with your local heating pros.
Turning Your Home Into a Sauna
It can be tempting to turn up the heat every time you feel a little shiver but holding off as much as possible will not only save you money but will prolong the life of your system and prevent unnecessary heating repair. This is because running your heater at high temperatures makes it work harder, placing more stress on the furnace. It’s best to keep the home around 68 to 70 degrees in the winter months.
Neglecting The Role Your Windows Play
Your furnace isn’t the only thing that plays a role in how well your heating system works. Leaving windows open, even a crack, can let cold air rush in and hot air escape. Similarly, keeping the blinds shut during daylight hours is missing an opportunity to save on energy costs. Sunlight helps heat your home so your furnace doesn’t have to work as hard.
Clark’s Heating and Air is proud to provide quality heating services. We can help you get a new heating solution in place before the cold rolls around again. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!