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Signs Your Heater Is Due for Repair

heating installation in Braselton, GA

When the weather grows cooler, you’ll have to rely on your heating for comfort. If you need a new heating installation in Braselton, GA or simply need to have your current unit repaired, you can rely on Clark’s Heating and Air. We share the following signs that you need immediate heating services today:

Rising Energy Bills

If your energy bills are suddenly much higher and your consumption has not increased, it can signify that there’s a problem with your heating system. You may have a component within the system that needs repair. It would be best to schedule a professional inspection to determine the exact cause of your rising energy bills, as this problem can also happen with an older heater that is no longer energy efficient.

Older Heater

If you have a heater that’s older than 25 years old, it’s time to get heating repair or a replacement to maintain the efficiency of your unit. Generally, heaters have a specific lifespan and are meant to last around 15 to 25 years. After the 25-year mark, your heater may not be able to function the way it once did, which can make for an uncomfortable, chilly situation at home.

Flu-Like Symptoms

If you and your family have recently been experiencing odd flu-like symptoms such as headaches, nausea and burning eyes, it might just be a problem with your heating system. This is a sign that you have a carbon monoxide issue, which can be deadly. It would be wise to contact a professional for heating services and have your unit inspected immediately because chances are high that you need repairs.

Constant Thermostat Adjustments

Constantly finding yourself adjusting your thermostat to get a comfortable temperature is a sign you need to have repairs made on your heater. If the heat isn’t being equally distributed throughout your home and some rooms are hot while others are ice cold, you need to take action. You can benefit from getting regular heating maintenance to prevent this issue.

Clark’s Heating and Air can provide you with reliable heating services to give you and your family peace of mind. Contact us today or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.

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