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The Different Parts of Your Heating

cold air return vent inside residential house

Having an efficient and functional heating system will keep your home comfortable in the colder months. To ensure that your heater works as it should, it’s important to invest in proper maintenance after heating installation in Braselton, GA. Clark’s Heating & Air discusses each part of your heating system to help you care for your unit better:

  • Furnace – The central controller of your heating system is the furnace. It is typically a large metal box in a basement, attic, or closet. The majority of the components for your HVAC system are located here.
  • Cold Air ReturnThe cool air return is where heating a house starts. Air is sucked into the furnace, where it is heated inside the heat exchanger using electrical coils or gas burners.
  • Heat ExchangerInside the furnace, a heat exchanger is an area where the air is heated. Coils will heat up any time hot air is required when your HVAC system is connected to your house’s power system. Maintaining the heat exchanger and scheduling prompt heating services when needed is key to keeping your unit efficient.
  • BlowerThe blower activates and starts pushing the heated air towards the ducts after the heat exchanger has finished its task. The air will begin to enter your home as the blower starts up.
  • Vents and Supply and Return DuctsSupply ducts are shielded tubes or airways that penetrate your walls and transport hot air to open vents throughout the house. They are connected to a vent which has a filter. Heating maintenance for the filler must be done regularly.
  • ExhaustMost furnaces feature an exhaust platform that enables airborne gasses to escape through exhaust ducts and reach the outdoors.
  • ThermostatThe furnace is attached to an intelligent switch. The thermostat controls how the furnace operates. Whenever the inside temperature drops, it instantly switches on the heat.

When you need reliable heating repair, don’t hesitate to contact Clark’s Heating & Air. Schedule an appointment with our professional team today.

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